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  KnowFear's MajorMUD Site
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Welcome To My MajorMUD Page
I have been playing MajorMUD for about 5 years. I am, of course, a Megamud user and abuser. On this site, i will have a few captures, as well as a few Megamud paths.

I am also posting Dameon Alexanders MOD9 paths as well.
If you want to have me host some of your custom paths please click the email link below.

New Paths Added
I am putting up a few custom paths I have made.
I will also be doing a bit of searching as well, and will post other users paths too.

Working Barren Hills Loop.
Dameon Alexander's Mod 9 Paths.
Stealth Quest Bundle.
All Paths From Megamud.net.
Wyverns Loop by Mistress.
Magmamen Loop by Mistress.
A Few Good Links

The One And Only MUDFORUMS

Loonie Bin BBS

MegaMud~click for the latest version

MajorMUD Message Board

Future Site Developments
I hope in the future to have alot of paths hosted.
Get them in the mail to me and I will add them immediately!

Other Services
I am unable to host web pics and avatars used for the mudforums.

A Few Files Of Interest

Blood2HTML (updated 9-3-02).
Mana Tick Calculator.
MMEdit (older version).


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